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Mental Health Support

Its OK to Talk about Mental Health

It really is Time to Change


Get Involved #smallthings

A simple Question "Are you OK?"

Can make the difference between a person living or taking their own life, don't be afraid to ask

We are working towards a place where Mental Health is not frowned upon or talked about behind closed doors.
We want to open everyones eyes to the facts (taken from "Time To Change) Please sign their pledge to change. We have !!

FACT : 1 in 4 people will experience mental health problems in any year

FACT: We probably all work with someone experiencing mental health problems

FACT: People suffering mental health problems are more likely to be victims of violence

FACT: 9 out of 10 people experiencing mental health problems suffer stigma or discrimination

FACT: Nearly 3 in 4 young persons with mental health problems fear the reaction of their friends

FACT: 90% of Suicides in the UK are by people experiencing mental health problems

FACT: This needs to change !!

We provide support for people experiencing mental health issues, whether short or long term. We understand the importance of providing stability and safety as foundations from which more specialist support can be accessed, working closely with the local Community Mental Health Teams and other professionals. 

Our services offer support for whatever you need, in your home or in one of our supported living houses. We offer short and long term accommodation for people who need a step up - or a step down.

We offer assistance where people need a break or just time out to find their own way. We support many people in many ways all of which are tailored to each person to achieve their own goals.
