01622 682535

bex@phoenixkent.com  Login


Always Without Prejudice

We will not judge and we will not discriminate

Everyone has a story and everyone has a past. We all deserve to be treated with dignity and respect.

We work with many ex-offenders where there is a cross over with other areas of our existing business; Learning Disability, Autism or Mental Health mainly. However we will always work with people on projects, businesses and ideas that may generate an additional opportunity.

We only ask that everyone is as open and honest about who they are and what they want to achieve.

We work closely with others in a Multi-Agency way to include

  • Police
  • Probation
  • Prisons
  • Local Authority
  • Housing
  • Employment

For more information please see our Working Out Scheme page where we give details of those we support in the last part of their sentence to help with the resettlement process.


Phoenix Support aim to help ex-offenders who also have a Learning Disability, Autistism or Mental Health issues. We work closely with the Probation Service, Mental Health In-Reach teams in the prisons and other charities and organisations to ensure that the right support is delivered. We strongly believe that by offering the right support at the right time, this will inevitably reduce re-offending rates. We are also happy to work with people who are experiencing addiction problems.

We work together to identify and reduce the risk of re-offending. We try to adopt familiar approaches to secure the pathway back to a fulfilled and stable life, following the Justice model of ensuring there are answers to the questions that follow:

  • Will I have secure accommodation?
  • Will I get employment, education or training?
  • Will I get support for addiction problems?
  • Will my health be OK?
  • Will I be able to get any benefits?
  • How will my family and children be?
  • What will everyone think of me, and how do I change attitudes?