01622 682535

bex@phoenixkent.com  Login

Outreach Services

Your house and your home - should always be your choice. We believe that we can offer a service to empower you and promote your independence.  

If you want your support at home or in the community in the UK or abroad just tell us and we will see what we can do.

And we are not about to start now, call us for your free assessment 


01622 682 535 


As the service is specifically tailored to your individual needs we will come to you for whatever time you need us, or alternatively if you want to have your support away form your house then we will come to wherever you are.

We feel that we can offer a very unique service that can promote independence and keep everyone in their home for a longer period of time.




Phoenix are able to offer bespoke support packages working with people in their own homes or out in the community, who are not living in accommodation owned by our sister company. Support is based on assessed need and can be purchased privately or via Kent County Council, subject to eligibility. We can provide support across a range of needs with our highly trained team of staff. We are happy to consider any specialist support needs not already catered for.